Category: Theta Consult

Theta Consult 30th Anniversary Celebration

11.10.2024Theta Consult

On March 22, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Sofia Hotel, the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Theta Consult Ltd. took place.

Many of our customers, partners, former employees, and friends came to the celebration.

The welcome took a long time, there was even a queue of people waiting, because each guest was “special” for us, deserved attention, a greeting and of course and photo for memory.

We sincerely thank everyone for the flowers, gifts, warm feelings!

The manager Yavor Andreev opened the celebration with “Welcome” and “Cheers!”

Old and new friends said “Cheers” to each other and enjoyed the meeting that night.
Явор Андреев

Afterwards, there was a presentation about the development and growth of Theta-Consult since its establishment 30 years ago until today. The achievements are impressive and for them I need to thank the whole team, pointed out the Manager Yavor Andreev!

“We work in over 40 countries, on 5 continents! We supply products and services in the field of radiation control and radiation protection! I also thank all our clients and partners for the chance to work together to achieve success and help each other grow!”

The “veterans” Lyubomir Minev and Dimitar Mechkov were solemnly presented with jubilee plaques, as a sign of respect and gratitude for the many years of dedicated work.

The guests also had the word, some recounted memories, others read congratulatory addresses, others thanked for the sponsorship.

And so, in cheers and talks, memories and smiles, the celebration turned into an exciting experience for both us and our guests.

And finally, as for every birthday, there was a big cake, with a special decoration made by our colleague Addy Boyadzhieva.

This is a picture of the whole Theta team around the cake with big smiles and 30-years anniversary pins, as a memory of the celebration!

Our celebration ended with a piece of cake and wine.

There were gift sets for the guests on the way out.

We want to thank all our friends for sharing Theta Consult 30th anniversary!

Theta Consult took part in BULATOM 2023 Conference

23.10.2023Theta Consult

For another year Theta-Consult took an active part in the International Nuclear Conference organized by the Bulgarian Atomic Energy Forum (BULATOM) through 6 of its representatives.
Traditionally, the conference was opened by the Chairman of the Bulgarian Atomic Forum, Bogomil Manchev. The greetings that followed (from the President of Bulgaria and the Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Agency), as well as the presentations by representatives from various embassies (China, France, Turkey, Czech Republic, Romania, etc.), confirmed the high level of representation and commitment to the future of nuclear energy in Bulgaria.
After the official opening, the conference continued its work according to the agenda, in three sections (“Perspectives in the development, operation and maintenance of nuclear facilities”, “Technologies and practices in the decommissioning of nuclear facilities” and “The future of nuclear energy in Bulgaria”).

Theta Consult took part with 2 presentations and an exhibition booth.
Явор Андреев

The presentations were:
– Yavor Andreev, Manager (“Second Line of Defense Program – U.S. Department of Energy Program to Control Nuclear Trafficking, Combat Nuclear and Radiation Terrorism and Bulgaria’s Participation”);
– Tsvetan Andreev, Associate (“Heritage and Negligence – Historical radioactive contamination in Bulgaria, institutional negligence”).
The second presentation aroused the interest of Ms Tsvetelina Penkova (Member of the European Parliament), who subsequently sent an invitation to Ts. Andreev to participate in a Round Table at the National Assembly (“For a strong and clean European industry”).

At the stand were presented specialized radiation control equipment of our partners (Thermo, Ortec, Berthold, etc.), which the company offers on the Bulgarian market, as well as specialized literature published by the company.
Цветан Андреев
Цветан Андреев

Theta Consult certifies Information Security Management System according to ISO / IEC 27001: 2017

09.02.2021Theta Consult

Theta Consult certifies the Information Security Management System (ISMS) according to the ISO 27001 standard

Hooray, we already have a SUSI Certificate! From 2019 Theta Consult Ltd. is working on the priority goal Development, implementation and Certification of Information Security Management System (ISMS), but for various reasons, this still did not happen.

From the beginning of 2020, at the insistence of the top management, more decisive steps were taken and with the help of a consulting company and the mobilization of its own staff, things worked out.

The new system includes both the general characteristics (processes) of a Management System (MS) and very specific requirements (controls) for Information Security (IS), and thus the whole ISMS system is formed.

A team of three specialists (Responsible for the three systems: ISMS, OHSAS and QMS) works under pressure (due to the short deadlines), but responsibly and selflessly. So, the collective mind and efforts gave the desired result!

At the end of March, a certification organization conducted an audit (remote) and Theta Consult received a good assessment of what was done, and in early May received the desired Certificate of Conformity of SUSI with the requirements of BDS EN ISO / IEC 27001: 2017 .

Congratulations on your success! Congratulations to the company and staff!

Theta Consult at a career forum in London

09.02.2021Theta Consult

Participation of Theta Consult in

Career Forum of Bulgarians in Great BritainЛондон-1-1200x901.jpg

This year Theta Consult Ltd. was invited to take part in a Career Forum for Bulgarians in the UK, organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. The event was held on March 7, 2020 at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in London. The aim was to acquaint the visitors, through direct contact with employers, with the state of the economy and the labor market in Bulgaria, as well as with the new financial incentives for people with higher education who would like to return and realize professionally in their homeland.Лондон-3-1-1200x1336.jpg

The representatives of Theta Consult gave a presentation, through which they acquainted the attendees with the activities of the company and the opportunities for development it offers. They managed to create a friendly atmosphere and good mood during the meetings and conversations with our compatriots there. Many of the forum visitors showed interest in the company, asked a lot of questions and left their CVs in the name of future relationships. Among those present were a wide variety of specialists in management, law, finance, engineering and other sciences.

This Career Forum in London was part of a series of planned forums abroad to motivate and attract Bulgarian citizens studying and working outside the country to return and find professional realization in Bulgaria.Лондон-4-1.jpg

FeverBlock – fast and safe measurement of body temperature of large flows of people

09.02.2021Theta Consult

Theta Consult presented on the Bulgarian market a new product for monitoring body temperature of large flows of people of the leading manufacturer of security systems NUCTECH. The FeverBlock system combines an infrared thermal imaging camera and powerful self-learning algorithms to provide fast and accurate, non-contact temperature measurement to multiple people and to alert in real time when a person passes a temperature higher than normal. The system captures infrared radiation from people’s faces, and the calculation algorithms are adapted so that the measurement is not disturbed by accessories such as face masks or glasses, as well as by objects with a higher temperature, such as hot drinks cups, rechargeable batteries and others. FeverBlock self-calibrates to ambient temperature, thus reducing the measurement error to ± 0.3 ° C. In addition, the system takes into account the changing distance to the measurement object, which minimizes the typical deviations in temperature measurements of moving objects with standard infrared cameras.

FeverBlock is designed to operate successfully in places with large flows of people, such as airports, ports, public transport stops, hotels, hospitals, factories and industrial enterprises, malls and supermarkets. Thanks to its ability to measure the temperature of several people at once on the go, the system manages to monitor 120 people per minute without creating a risk of infecting control personnel. FeverBlock has its own computer with specialized software and a database in which only cases exceeding the alarm levels are recorded, and the recorded results can be displayed in the form of valuable statistics for effective management of potential epidemics.

Participation in the 48th National Conference of Physics

09.02.2021Theta Consult

On 2, 3 and 4 October 2020 in the building of the Faculty of Physics on Sofia University “St. Cl. Ohridski ”the 48th National Conference on Physics Education was held on the topic“ Nuclear Physics and Energy in Physics Education ”. The conference was opened by the President of the Union of Physicists Prof. Al. Draishu, and the chairman of the Organizing Committee for the conference was Prof. I. Lalov. Congratulatory addresses were from the Ministry of Education and Science, BAS, NRA, Union of Scientists and others.
Органа за контрол на Тита-Консулт

The Head of the Control Body Ivaylo Pastuhov gave a presentation in the Higher Education section on Modern applications of nuclear physics to ensure safety and security, acquainting the audience with the characteristics and capabilities of one of the systems available to the Authority – gamma camera POLARIS-HTM 2.0.
Представяне на Polaris-H 2.0

Theta Consult Ltd., represented through its Control Body, was among the co-organizers and participants in this conference. The members of the Control Body prepared a stand in the lobby of the faculty with advertising materials for the activity of the company, for the suppliers of various equipment, specialized literature, as well as demonstration of some used devices / systems for radiation control.
Щандът на Тита-Консулт

The conference was attended by teachers and university professors from schools across the country. The meetings were divided into sections Higher and Secondary Education, there was a Youth Scientific Session and a Poster Exhibition, as well as Invited Papers with interesting titles. The closing of the conference took place in the Regional Historical Museum of Sofia (former Central Bath), with awards and a talk on the history of the city.


13.01.2021Theta Consult

Theta Consult

Neutron System for Moisture Measurement

Moisture content measurement system LB 350, manufactured by Berthold, is mainly used in applications where conventional sensor technologies are not applicable because of the conductivity or the chemical properties of the material being measured. “For continuous humidity measurement of solids, the LB 350 uses the neutron deceleration method. It uses the effect of neutron scattering as a result of the interaction of high-energy (fast) neutrons with the nuclei of hydrogen atoms in the material being measured”, the Process control department explained.

The measurement system is based on a source emitting a cloud of fast neutrons. After their interaction with the water molecules in the material being measured, the decelerated neutrons are measured with a special detector that is sensitive to only slow neutrons. Since the number of slow neutrons corresponds to the hydrogen content, the neutron technology is a reliable technical solution for measuring the moisture content of a product.

 “Neutron technology does not depend on the chemical or physical bonds between the water molecules in the measured volume”, commented Mariela Mladenova, a specialist in the field. “It is not affected by temperature, pressure, conductivity, color, pH value, electrolyte content or different particle sizes. Through it, even the content of deep-frozen water can be accurately estimated” the company experts added.

Measurement through the LB 350 system is accomplished by installing a bunker probe inside the tank or a surface probe against the wall of the vessel with the product being measured, depending on the specifics of the application.


The surface probe is mounted directly on the outer wall of a bunker. It is capable to irradiate up to 20 mm thick steel walls. However, the best measuring accuracy is achieved by using Berthold’s specifically designed mounting frame, which is installed in an opening in the wall. The mounting frame is extremely robust due to the wear-resistant ceramics surface and allows for a quick and easy installation of the probe.


The probe is mounted in a dip pipe made from steel or ceramics. Typically, this dip pipe is inserted in the outlet section of the bunker, so that the probe is fully surrounded by bulk material. Due to the optimum position of the probe inside the material flow, a highly representative measurement is achieved.

The LB350 system has proven it’s reliability and extremely accurate operation in multiple hard applications, including moisture measurement of sand int concrete or glass industry, as well as humidity determination of coke and sinter mixtures.


13.01.2021Theta Consult

Theta Consult recertified it’s management systems

Theta Consult received new recertification certificates for Quality Measurement Systems and Occupational and health safety, implemented by the company.

“The new certificates are the final result of a big amount of work done and successful audit by “Sertification” JSC. We ae extremely proud with those certificates, because we executed one of our priority objectives and we are continuing with development of an integrated management system ”, pointed Ilza Andreeva, who is in charge of Management systems in the company.

This year’s certification was done, following the most recent standard revisions. About Occupational and Health Safety that is BDS ISO 45001:2018, about Quality Measurement Certification that is BDS EN ISO 9001:2015.СЕРТИФИКАТ_СУЗБР-370-01-019.jpgСЕРТИФИКАТ_СУК-340-02-019.jpg

The arrange of the quality management system includes:

  • Design/development, manufacturing of a product/offering a service, consultancies and expert evaluations, complete engineering and project management in the field of radiation control, radiation protection, process control and security systems.
  • Radiation parameters measurement of working, surrounding and living environment as well as samples from them.
  • Transportation of radioactive substances and operation working with Ionized Radiation Sources.
  • Supply, commissioning, technical maintenance and repair of radiation and dosimetry control , process control devices, including devices containing Ionizing Radiation Sources, X-Ray scanners for people, vehicles and baggage; security devices and systems, access control and video-surveillance, communication equipment etc.
  • Soil and precipitate treatment, terrain reclamation etc.


13.01.2021Theta Consult


On November 28th and 29th, representatives of EA BAS (Bulgarian Accreditation Service) did Routine supervision and Extension of the accreditation range of Theta Consult’s Type C radiation control body

There are 2 new control parameters:

  • Dose from Gamma, X-ray and neutron rays (important parameter in case of radiation control medical facilities, which diagnose and perform treatments of various diseases)


  • Activity of Gamma radionuclides in various materials (important parameter for better analysis of samples from various controlled objects, mainly industrial)


The extension of the range was provoked by the market search. We hope, that this way we will meet the needs of more customers.

In the end of March 2020 the radiation control body, received it’s new certificate by BAS and is currently expecting it’s new customers.

More information about the Radiation control body you can find here, for some additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!Сертификат_ОРК.jpg


20, Lavski rid St.                                1680 Sofia                                           Bulgaria


phone: +359 2 964 0950             mobile: +359 885 105975                      e-mail: