Participation in the 48th National Conference of Physics

09.02.2021Theta Consult

On 2, 3 and 4 October 2020 in the building of the Faculty of Physics on Sofia University “St. Cl. Ohridski ”the 48th National Conference on Physics Education was held on the topic“ Nuclear Physics and Energy in Physics Education ”. The conference was opened by the President of the Union of Physicists Prof. Al. Draishu, and the chairman of the Organizing Committee for the conference was Prof. I. Lalov. Congratulatory addresses were from the Ministry of Education and Science, BAS, NRA, Union of Scientists and others.
Органа за контрол на Тита-Консулт

The Head of the Control Body Ivaylo Pastuhov gave a presentation in the Higher Education section on Modern applications of nuclear physics to ensure safety and security, acquainting the audience with the characteristics and capabilities of one of the systems available to the Authority – gamma camera POLARIS-HTM 2.0.
Представяне на Polaris-H 2.0

Theta Consult Ltd., represented through its Control Body, was among the co-organizers and participants in this conference. The members of the Control Body prepared a stand in the lobby of the faculty with advertising materials for the activity of the company, for the suppliers of various equipment, specialized literature, as well as demonstration of some used devices / systems for radiation control.
Щандът на Тита-Консулт

The conference was attended by teachers and university professors from schools across the country. The meetings were divided into sections Higher and Secondary Education, there was a Youth Scientific Session and a Poster Exhibition, as well as Invited Papers with interesting titles. The closing of the conference took place in the Regional Historical Museum of Sofia (former Central Bath), with awards and a talk on the history of the city.


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